Advanced Protection Package

Advanced Protection Package

Comprehensive Protection for Your Digital World

$99 Per Month

Our Advanced Protection Package offers top-tier cyber-security solutions, including enhanced threat detection, encrypted communications, and comprehensive endpoint security, ensuring maximum protection for your data and online operations.

Zero Trust Network Access

Verifies every access attempt and enforces MFA for both inside and outside access.

Encrypted Communication

Encrypted email setup and basic encrypted messaging.

Endpoint Detection & Response

Real-time monitoring of devices (laptops, smartphones) to detect potential threats.

Basic Data Backup

Secure automated backups of important data to protect against data loss.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the free consultation?

The free consultation helps us understand your unique cyber-security needs. We’ll assess your current setup, recommend the best package for you, and guide you through the onboarding process to ensure your system is properly secured.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my package later?

Yes, you can easily upgrade or downgrade your package at any time. Our team will assist in the transition, ensuring you get the right level of protection as your needs change.

How does 24/7 support work?

With 24/7 remote support, you can contact our cyber-security experts anytime. We’re always available to help with any urgent security issues, troubleshoot problems, or answer questions related to your protection.

What happens if a threat is detected?

If a threat is detected, our Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS) and Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) systems will alert you and our team in real-time, allowing for immediate response and threat mitigation.

What makes Valefor’s security solutions different?

Valefor offers a holistic approach with cutting-edge tools like Zero Trust Network Access, blockchain-based verification, and real-time threat intelligence, ensuring every angle of your cyber-security is covered.

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